Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Italian cooking

     My parents have a style of cooking that doesn't really fit any description: my dad makes things up as he goes along and usually ends up with something more-or-less German or Pennsylvania Dutch.  My mother cooks quite by the rules and in a variety of styles. 

     I, on the other hand, tend often toward Italian food. 

  Is this the result of being married to a partly Italian man?  Is it the result of being best friends with a fully Italian guy who also just happens to be a chef?  Is it because Italian food is accessible to make with a flair?  I think it's all of the above!
    Now, to anyone who knows me well, and/or knows what Cottey College is, you'll not be surprised at my mentioning the Cottey College cookbook as a source for wonderful recipes.  Earlier in the week I made an Italian recipe from the book, namely Bruschetta Cheese Toasts. 
    The original recipe calls for garlic bread slices from the grocery-store freezer section.   Rather than that, I took slices of the very good bread my husband makes, and turned them into what I call "cheat" garlic bread.  This means I buttered them (in this case on both sides) and added garlic powder and a tiny bit of parmesan cheese.  Then they went into the oven until toasted on each side. 

    From there, I followed the recipe far more closely, adding grated mozzarella cheese before another go in the oven, and the tomato mixture once the bread was all cooked.  It was quite good!

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