Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tradition: Shrove Tuesday pancakes

    A common tradition in many communities and churches, is a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday.  This is the only year I recall going to an actual supper at a church, but usually I make pancakes at home for the family.  Because my husband is working tonight, I decided not to do it at home.  A church down the street (walking distance, yay!) is putting on a supper, so the children and I are going there. (A little bit funny that I'm writing this ahead of time!)
   I seem to recall that my paternal grandmother ("Nan" Barry) was enamored of pancakes for Shrove Tuesday, but I could be remembering it a bit more than was really the case.  At any rate, if you've had pancakes or doughnuts or otherwise observed this last day before Lent begins, do comment.

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